Last year the Engineering
Graduates Association decided to assist Final Years by conducting Mock Graduate
Interviews for those graduates who wished to avail of this service. These interviews were
kindly organised by Karina O'Neill Marketing Manager for the
College of Engineering and Architecture. We conducted such interviews in October 2013 and we have more planned on Saturday 8th February 2014.
While the student uptake of
this service was low last year I'm pleased to say that it has now grown to be
very popular with Final Years. This is not surprising as it’s a highly useful
service of which all Final Year students should avail to improve their
prospects of early employment after graduation.
To have the benefit of
scrutiny of your CV and career progress to date by a senior peer engineer prior
to Employer Interview will be of great value.
Courtesy of |
Firstly the student will get
advice on CV preparation to focus on strengths and emphasise positive personal
achievements to date. Secondly to be questioned on the quality of your career
to date will identify any gaps in learning and experience for any likely employment. Thirdly it will give
the student greater confidence to face his or her employment interviews.
I am very grateful to the EGA
Board members who conducted these interviews on a Saturday morning in their
spare time. The interviews have been led by senior Board Members Michael Loughnane,
Ann Fingleton, Donal Wyse and Tony O'Brien.
The UCD Final Year students
will be the richer for this positive life experience. I wish them well as they
prepare for their Finals in 2014 and exit from college into the world of work experience.
Those who have switched to the
new 5 year Masters programme (a prerequisite for Chartered Engineer status with
Engineers Ireland post 2013) will have a further opportunity to train with mock
interviews in 2014/15.
This area of career development is deemed of great importance to the EGA and for that reason we intend inviting the UCD Head of Careers to the next Board meeting in January 2014.